Saturday, June 15, 2013


This week i went to camp.. it was a technology camp. They taught us basic coding and html and things like that. This post isn't going to have anything to do with that though, but the whole point of this post has everything boiling down to one thing I learned. As I sat at my desk coding a program in which you make a turtle spell. It took me whereabouts of three hours to code a program to make this turtle spell my name. As i sat watching the turtle spell my name I realized what a stupidly simple task it completed and i wallowed in facepalms as i realized i spent 3 hours on THIS... but then it came to me later as i worked on a more complicated program with what i had just learned and made it a whole lot better. I realize that in life we work hard to change our bad ways and when we change sometimes its not a very big change its just a small change. sometimes I find myself wondering why I work so hard for such a small change.. and then I realize that in that small change I learn everything I need to know to make a huge change in my life. So next time you're working hard in your life and you feel like only very little has changed.. think about it, you open the door to bigger change by your actions. So what you do now changes what you doing the future. if now you choose not to work hard and do good because it simply doesn't yield results, realize that maybe not doing good now can result in not doing good later. So next time you wonder whether or not you should start hard work and learning, realize that what you do now makes it easier in the future whether or not its doing good or doing evil. So what do you want to spend your time learning and doing? I don't know about you but I would like to learn to do good. -Nilly

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Souls...How do you view them?

I asked myself a question the other day...I learn something new about me everyday...It's amazing really.

ANYWAY. You're probably wondering what I asked myself, so I'm going to tell you..Right now.

INTERVIEW WITH MYSELF: (It's quite fun actually ^_^)
Q: How do you view souls?
A: I honestly don't really know how to answer this...C.S Lewis once said 'You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body' so when I think of souls I see us...I see us souls playing with each other, talking to each other...Very often we see new souls, but don't get the chance to view them, we just see the shell.
And sometimes...I don't like seeing souls...There are souls that want to kill other souls shells...Whether it's the soul that never had a chance on earth or the soul that faded...A soul leaves Earth...
Without our bodies I see souls as "color people' like silhouettes of us but it color instead of skin...Some are faded, some are vibrant, all are unique. I think when most people think of souls they think of peace...Which isn't reality at all...WE. ARE. SOULS. Everyday there's someone killed because a soul wanted them to die, they wanted them off the Earth, they wanted them GONE. But they actually don't leave..They're still alive..The souls anyway. Souls should be happy, I mean, souls are supposed to be peaceful but everyday someone has a tantrum, they curse and swear and hit like the soul is some sort of garbage. We ignore the poor, we scoff at different beliefs, we kill, we hit, we yell...All these souls, scattering, not cooperation because we believe in different things...I see these souls...Scattering, fighting...And will one day find peace......
The place where souls can rest...
The place where souls are happy...
The place where souls belong...


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring? You took long enough..

Spring: it officially began like a month ago but with heavy snow storms and extended cold weather I was easily fooled. Quite a while ago I planted my first seedlings in pod containers because I was itching to dig in the dirt.. its gotten warmer the past couple days and now they are outside.. soaking up some rays until I'm sure the weather has subsided and I can plant them in the ground. I can't wait to begin weeding and pruning my plants (yeah ik how stupid I sound) oh its days like this where I thank God for creating such a perfectly beautiful world!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Stuffed Animals: More Than Just Fluff And Fur

Call me childish but I still sleep with a teddy bear; after I moved I didn't sleep with one, but when I came back from visiting the first time, I did.

When I visited two years ago my close friend got me a stuffed panda bear, she and I have a huge obsession with pandas, so she gave a stuffed one to me, kinda like a "Welcome Back" gift.

His name is Maxwell, my brother named him. I sleep with this little guy every night since I got him, he's the biggest thing I have of my friends in Indy left. He dried my tears when I was homesick, and he still smells like my old youth group did. Sometimes when I'm homesick I'll sniff him, and I'll remember the moment I walked in there, the moment I was reunited with my friends, the moment my friend gave him to me out of the colorful striped bag. I remember the moment my best friend hugged my every fifteen seconds, I remember home.

Some kids believe that their stuffed animals are real, that they can talk, smell and think...
But maybe the reason isn't because they're childish, or because of  Toy Story.
But maybe it's because stuffed animals to us, kids, are so much more than just stuffing and fake fur.
They're our best friends, our protectors, our pillow. We brought them everywhere, we hugged them whenever we wanted to, we took them on walks. Admit it, we all did. ;)

Saying that this panda isn't anything more than just stuffing shoots something sharp in my heart, it's hard to explain... This guy is the biggest thing I have from home, sure I have a few rocks and letters, but those get lost easily, and they can't really dry your tears, and they don't smell of home...
This is just like the "Books are just 26 letters put in different order" and that is true, but books are so much more than just 26 letters, books are an adventure, books are another life lived with the flip of a page.
Whether it's going to Mordor, in Hogwarts, or going into a closet that leads to Narnia. (True book lovers will get this)
Books are so much more than just letters, they're adventures in your hand.
And stuffed animals are more than just stuffing, they're our best friends, they make the best huggers, and comfort us when we're sad. Maxwell has been through most of it, whether it was tears, sickness, couldn't sleep...He was there. Stuffed animals are more than just stuffing. They protected us from monsters under the bed and in the closet, they chased away the night mares..
They're more than just stuffing to some people.
They are so much more.


Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Sorry we haven't written in a while, it's been a whole month! ...Oopsies!

This week I decided I would look in the dictionary and find some interesting words, and well, I found some!

Foozle, foozle is a word that means to manage a bungle. Bungle means to do ineffectively.

And I giggled when I saw "Higgle" in the dictionary, and right below it was "Higgledy-Piggledy"!

Higgledy-Piggledy, adj. In utter disorder or confusion.

There are some interesting words in our language, and I can't wait to make some more discoveries! :)

Always curious,

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Spring is just around the corner..

I decided to plant some seeds so theyll be mature enough when spring comes.. i planted parsley, tomatoes and a variety of flowers... i also planted lettuce! Its beautiful to see the tiny seeds reach for the sky! What a truly wonderful world God created!


Simple DIY: Colored Bobby-Pins

I like to spend my weekends more on crafting, and less on browsing the internet, so, I went on my Pinterest and chose a craft to do, and I found this tutorial on how to color bobby-pins, and it's super simple, and I thought I should share it with you all! :)

You will need:
Bobby-Pins (obviously)
Nail Polish, & a piece of cardboard.

First, slip the bobby-pins into the cardboard; It will be very easy this way.

Next, start painting the tops of the bobby-pins.

Wait for them to dry and wallah! You have some cool new bobby-pins!
