Saturday, December 29, 2012


I had a Hershey kiss.... And a pipe cleaner... Sooo... I made a ring!


Friday, December 28, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Today while I was eating lunch, I looked out the window, and the grass that was peeking through the snow was covered in frost! It was so pretty, so, I went upstairs, got dressed, and went outside to take some pictures of the beautiful snow.

I'm not quite sure what happened here....

Winter is beautiful...I love it. :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blank Paper

Blank paper is one of the things that just drives me absolutely nuts, and yesterday, my dad got me a new sketch book, full of, you guessed it, blank paper.
It's almost as if the paper is just waiting to be discovered, to be something great, something new, something creative, maybe even something famous!
Having a blank piece of paper, it could be anything you want, it could be about anything, or simply, be about nothing at all.
I love to doodle, because it doesn't really mean anything, but putting hundreds of simple movements together can create something that looks so complex...
I finished drawing this doodle this morning...

Now, I'm not going to say this was easy, but I'm not going to say it was hard either.
This took time, I started this yesterday afternoon, and finished it this morning.

I always start with the corner, just a little corner of creativity can create something big, even just a few tiny circles...

Then, the creativity starts to grow...
And the magic begins...


Saturday, December 22, 2012

A beautiful week..


This past week I have been on vacation and in 2 days I shall be home (on Christmas Eve....) I was on a cruise and it was wonderful. I woke up the first morning to the view of overlooking the ocean... I saw my "roommates" were still asleep so I slipped on my shoes and stepped onto the balcony. I leaned on the railing finding myself caught in a little bit a Gods creation that absolutely took my breath away. As the beauty bubbled up through me I laughed. I held my hand out and let it cut the wind. The sun warmed what the wind was cooling of the skin on my hand, as I looked my skin glowed from sunlight. As the days blurred together and I had gotten to know our maids, waiters and others on the ship I realized how fast time was escaping me until I finally found myself saying goodbye to all those I knew on the ship. As we lined up on the gangway to get off the ship I stood at the line between land and sea, I took a step onto the gangway because I couldn't stand still any longer, the people behind me were anxious to get off and my mother prompted me to keep moving. As I walked a sob escaped me, no tears, no crying, just one single sob. I looked back at all the memories I made there. I kept walking and soon the USA embraced me back into its safe haven, I realized how much I missed America.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Oh, the interesting things I do...

Today I realized I do some pretty interesting things...For instance, I went outside while it was snowing to take pictures of snowflakes, here are some of the photos...
One point is missing!! :O

This snowflake is near the inside of my coat sleeve.

Another thing, I purposely left my stocking cap on, even though I was inside...

And the last thing I did interesting today was...

I had hot cocoa, and I took the marshmallows out with a spoon, so they wouldn't melt in the microwave...
What can I say? I love me some marshmallows. ;)


Sunday, December 02, 2012

As God Speaks

God. He speaks. Maybe not as a voice in your head but he places things in the walk of your life and reminds you that he's still there. But how do we recognize his speaking? Good question. I sat doing my literature last night, reading poems wishing I wasn't reading them but writing them. Lets face it, I was crabby. I was reading a poem and suddenly I felt a cold rush about me. As I read this poem I stopped a moment, was God speaking to me? The poem spoke about how, when we sin, satan rushes to God demanding our much deserved death. At that second Jesus, at the right hand of God, stands up and says "I paid for that sin when I died on the cross, that sin is forgiven." Satan is forced to runaway knowing what Jesus says is true.
So why do we sin? Although God forgives us we must realize our sin is on Christ. Everything we do is reflected on Christs image. Do we want to do that to our Savior? Do we want to make him look bad? Or do we, as Christians, wish to glorify God and Christ by being an upright representation of them. By no means perfect, but definetly, undeniably, a child of God.
