Sunday, December 02, 2012

As God Speaks

God. He speaks. Maybe not as a voice in your head but he places things in the walk of your life and reminds you that he's still there. But how do we recognize his speaking? Good question. I sat doing my literature last night, reading poems wishing I wasn't reading them but writing them. Lets face it, I was crabby. I was reading a poem and suddenly I felt a cold rush about me. As I read this poem I stopped a moment, was God speaking to me? The poem spoke about how, when we sin, satan rushes to God demanding our much deserved death. At that second Jesus, at the right hand of God, stands up and says "I paid for that sin when I died on the cross, that sin is forgiven." Satan is forced to runaway knowing what Jesus says is true.
So why do we sin? Although God forgives us we must realize our sin is on Christ. Everything we do is reflected on Christs image. Do we want to do that to our Savior? Do we want to make him look bad? Or do we, as Christians, wish to glorify God and Christ by being an upright representation of them. By no means perfect, but definetly, undeniably, a child of God.


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