Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall comes and Fall goes...But in between...FALL RETREAT!

This weekend has been full of: Octoball, running outside, playing with a puppy, leaf wars, piggy-back rides, playing with little girls, chasing a dog for the sake of the guys playing Frisbee golf, hot chocolate, holes in t-shirts and sweat shirts, journaling, devotions, carpets that smell good, Velcro monkeys, lady bugs, screaming, a beautiful sunrise, praying, creamer that tastes like vanilla ice cream, bacon, bonfires,
Apples to Apples, staying up late, car rides, Skittles, old houses, bunk beds, talking, bees without stingers, and most of all, laughter.
And all of these things must mean one thing...And that is, Fall Retreat time!
Last weekend I went to a fall retreat...And I'm pretty sure I covered most of it already. ;)
I know most of you are like "Octoball? What is that?" well, Octoball was created in Cooperstown Bible Camp, it's really fun, first, there's a Octogon, kinda like a pig-pen, wood boards and stuff, anywho, and then there's a ball, any ball will do, we used a volleyball, okay, so, everyone is in the Octoball rink (A pretty big Octogon) and someone surves the ball by throwing it against one of the boards and yelling "Octoball!!" And then the madness begins...Basically if you get hit below the waist you're out, so you can only use your hands, it's a lot of fun.
Now, let's see...Anything else I need to explain? Hot chocolate? Well, I drank a cup of hot cocoa in ten seconds...
"What did you just drink?"
"Hot cocoa..."

I probably should've told them it wasn't hot...;)
-Holes in t-shirts and sweat shirts, well, the puppy we were playing with, Cooper, attacked me with kisses, and nipping...He got a hole in my t-shirt and my sweat shirt...Oh well, memories are made that way. :)
-Carpets that smell good, in otherwords "The Carpet Of Life"! My friend was tired, and bored...So she decided to smell the carpet by the fireplace...It smelled pretty good, so, "The Carpet Of Life" was born I guess...
-Velcro Monkeys! I brought my velcro monkey to this retreat, my friend and I were going to bring stuffed animals to the retreat but she forgot hers, she got a minor concussion a few days before so I'll cut her some slack. ;)
Anyways, I brought my velcro monkey, his name is Squidonkey, there were a ton of lady bugs in our room, and the girls were FREAKING out, so I was like "Hey, use Squidonkey!" and yeah...He was used to "kill" a bug THAT WAS ALREADY DEAD!! Oh well..

Fall Retreats are the best kinda retreat ever, they're my favorite, especially because you're outside practically all day! And the weather is perfect! :)

Enjoying every moment of Fall Retreats,
Nana :)

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