Saturday, September 29, 2012

Quote Of The Day

Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn...


Thursday, September 27, 2012

!Fear Factor!

Yesterday my youth group had an event, Fear Factor. (I don't have any pictures...Sorry.:P)
First they had challenges where anyone could compete, you didn't have to sign up.
The first one was baby food hot potato, just like hot potato, except with baby food, whoever had the baby food when the music stopped would have to eat it! One girl had asparagus, she seemed grossed out, but she ate it. Another girl, got Mac'n'cheese flavor, she spit it out the moment it hit her mouth!
My friend Jenna got Mac'n'cheese as well, she tasted it and then she said that she puked in her mouth...Bleh..(And then she was sitting by me so I had to stare at it...O.O)
And after that, they had a surprise bag, each had food in it, the foods in there were: Sardines, SPAM, Powerade, more baby food,(Mac'n'cheese) and two of them had donuts.
The people would turn around and Chad (Our youth pastor) mixed the bags around, and the contestants would choose a bag, whatever was in the bag they had to eat!

Now after the games....
At last, it was beginning...
Well, not quite, the Fear Factor contestants (Who signed up) had to run across the gym...Blind folded, five contestants made it the fastest moved on.

Now, it begins...(For realzies this time)

The first challenge is to chug a slushy drink, the ingredients were: Lemon, Lemonade, Lemon juice, Orange, salt, and a few others I can't remember...
Chad had a few people from the crowd taste it, the looks on their faces said it all..."Nasty!"

As soon as Chad said go, heads were tilted and cups were pointing towards the ceiling.
One person had not finished in time...Boohoo...:(

But, the next challenge was...Gross...

There were turkey gizzards (Pickled gizzards for that matter) in canned dog food, the four contestants remaining had to find five gizzards (with their mouths, they weren't allowed to use their hands)
and put them in the bowl to they're left.

Two people had not finished fast enough...

Three people gone, two left, one challenge.

The last challenge.

They had to eat a salad, not just any salad, a salad with "all the works"...Literally...
Turkey gizzards (again) whipped dressing, chili and green peas, and a bunch of other foods...
Now the thing is, the contestants remaining weren't feeding themselves, they had to choose a partner, they would be behind them, their arms under the contestants armpits, blindfolded, they would feed them...

1st place, Mitch.
2nd place, Sarah.
3rd place, Ian.
4rd place, Josh.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

To say I don't like washing cars would be an understatement, although every once in a while I get in the mood and I wash wash wash... on Sunday was the day when I was in the mood.. as I scrubbed and applied what I saw something super cool.. on the sun roof of our car the water pooled into GIANT drops of water which isn't normal to see cause on windows they always catch water quickly and slide down. But the roof was flat enough to let it pool before it slid down... how I love the way they shine in the light

Friday, September 21, 2012

"For I know the plans I have for you" Declares the Lord...

This is a story about my best friend, her name is Olivia.
Olivia is amazing at sports, she liked all kinds, especially, softball. She was the captain of her team a few times, and they won state twice, Olivia LOVED softball.
Olivia had a minor condition, if she ran too hard her heart would skip beats, she would sit down, and then play again, no big deal. Well, one time, Olivia was running while playing softball and she had her little condition, but this was way, way, worse, I wasn't there, but I heard about it.
She went to the doctor, she had P.O.T.S, a rare blood pressure and heart rate disease.
Because of P.O.T.S Olivia could not play softball, or any other sport.
A whole year later, Olivia got well enough so she could play softball again, her team gave her an opportunity to play again, but God had other plans!
This is the email she sent her team.

Hey everyone,

This is Olivia on my mom's email. As you know I spent the last year sad
because I could not play softball because of my blood pressure problem.
Then you guys gave me a great opportunity to play again (I thank you all
for that). But I went to the DO HARD THINGS REBELUTION Conference, and
God told me very clearly I need to stop softball because I need to spend
more time on Him instead of softball (softball was like an idol to me
and in the Ten Commandments the 1st commandment says, "Do not put any
other idols before me"). I really wish I could play softball, it is just
I think God is more important, and I think it is very important to
follow His word. I will miss you all and I hope we can get together
another way. Please reply with your thoughts.

Olivia # 6

Olivia's favorite verse is:
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you." Declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope, and a future."

I hope this story helps you to trust God, and that He has a plan for everything.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Quote Of The Day

"Don't even let that boy step to you, unless you know he loves God with all his heart."

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012


Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.


A Quick Rant

//Dissapointed in the internet for the types of advertisements on the sidebars etc...// Confused with my filter settings on my computer// Frustrated with the smell of vegtable oil from baking unable to get to leave my hands// Bored yet thoroughly entertained// My latest struggle with technology is leading me to the possibility of a technology break... a week maybe?// I've taken pictures of beautiful and wonderful things only to have them turn out blurry.// in the middle of a letter to a friend my computer program crashed causing me to restart my letter// Technology, is it good? Does it save time? Or does it make our lives such a rat race, so frustrated, almost angry, lead us to temptation, and break our spirits?// Used in moderation can be used for good..// Can be used for evil// Can be used for good// Which outweighs which?!// An idea pops into my mind...// what if we all put a paper with the words "pray" attached to the top of our screen to remind us to ask God to bless our time on technology and shield us from the evil// ~Nilly

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Grasping a bit of summer as it slips away...

This summer I had my mom buy me some Parsley and Chive plants. As fall rolled in and I could smell the end of summer I condensed my plants and placed them right outside my window so I have something wonderful to wake up to in the morning! Tonight the weatherman stated that it was supposed to freeze in the middle of the night so I had to pull in all my plants from outside and place them on my windowsill... noticing that my plants were a little "full" for the sill I had to cut them back. I gathered my chive plants in a rubber band (like a ponytail! ;) ) and cut off the tips and left them gathered in the "ponytail" I trimmed off 1 of my 3 parsley plants leaving only about an inch "stub" (lets just say I was in the mood for parsley :D) and then.... all my plants looked pretty organized! I hope to keep my plants for the winter so next summer I can still have fresh herbs.... will it work? I have no idea, most likely not, but one doesn't mind trying! ~Nilly

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bible Verse Of The Day

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
~2 Corinthians 4:18

Sunday, September 09, 2012

A Little Behind on Laundry...

Yesterday I played soccer...With mismatching soccer socks...I'm a little behind on laundry.
As I was thinking about it, it reminded me about how often we read the Bible, now, reading the Bible, you don't have to do it, but like laundry, you're lacking without it.
Now, reading the Bible won't give you fresh clothes, but it will give you a fresh attitude.
And all of your laundry should be done, like how all of the Bible should be read, I'm not shoving down your throat "READ THE WHOLE BIBLE!!!!!" Cause, I haven't done it myself, I'm just trying to say that you can't take parts out, if you don't believe in one part you can't believe in the rest.
I started reading the Bible just by opening it, and reading a chapter, it's as simple as that! And, this may be a shock, but...*whispers* Reading the Bible is easier than doing laundry.  A little bit of a shock huh?
Well, maybe not, but reading the Bible is easier than doing laundry! And all you need is a little bit of time for God. That's it! Reading the Bible is easier than it looks! And there are a lot of subjects in the Bible, surely you can find something you like!

The mismatching sock-er player,
~Nana :)

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Wanted: a sense of wonder

Tonight I was bored, and I looked at my scraps of pink paper measuring approximately half an inch by two inches and wondered what I could do with them. I folded each of them to form a pinwheel petal and placed them all together on one "flower" with an eyelet. I couldn't figure our how to attaché it to my toothpick and make a pinwheel so I held the "flower" in my hand, and was studying the "pockets" that would catch air and make it spin so well if only I could attach it. Out of sheer exasperation I simply blew it out of my hand in a frustrated "that was a waste of my time" sort of way and watched it "helecopter" to the ground.. It was such fun to watch it spin and slowly fall and nest on the fresh mountain of clean clothes I should've put away hours ago that I simply had to do it again. And again. So today as you deal with frustrations and wasted time.. Blow on them, it may be simply wonderful what happens.  I hope you find wonder in your frustrations!.... Or maybe not :) ~Nilly

Advice Of The Day

Don't just say you care, show that you care...Actions speak louder than words.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Bible Verse of the Day

If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you.
-James 1:5

Monday, September 03, 2012

Beautiful Skies...

The sky, is like a rainbow...
It looks like it, and it can be like a rainbow too...How you ask?
Well, some colors have a feeling to it, you know, how yellow is happy, and blue is sad, green is sick, that kinda stuff.:)
Now, sometimes the sky is yellow, with the sun shining in the sky, and it's a good day, and sometimes (Well, most of the time, work with me here.) the sky is blue, when it's raining, you can't really enjoy the rain very much, some people like rain, I do, but, rainy days, aren't the best, you can still enjoy them, but you might rather have it sunny and happy.:)
What color is your sky?
Look at this sky, wonderful, isn't it?
God made this, He painted the sky...Pretty neat...
I love the sky, it's limitless....
I love to think about how the sky changes...Today it was cloudy, and it had "Cotton candy" clouds when the sun was setting...I love to think about the sky! The sun setting...It's like the sun has to leave it's work here, and go to the other side of the Earth...And the moon takes the night shift...
Dear Sky,
I love you.

Enjoy your Labor Day!!:)

Sunday, September 02, 2012

One of a kind

Here's a necklace my good friend made me two years ago, no big deal, right?
Well, I guess so, but the part that gets me, is that my friend made this pacifically for me, that means that no one on the whole planet has this necklace, this necklace is special, now, it has not much money value to it, but say I get famous one day, and I wore this necklace everywhere, this would be worth, I'm not a professional, but depending how famous I am, it could get up to a million dollars!! Now, this necklace is worth, maybe five dollars, but I wouldn't sell it for a million.
Now, let's think about something else for a moment, think about people, now, I've seen A LOT of people in my life time, but, no two are alike, every person you see is different from every body else, there's no one else like that person on the planet, even if they're identical twins, they may look alike on the outside (And they have the same I.D) but on the inside, they're two completely different people. Everyone has a different view of everything, some people see stuff junk, when other people see treasure, some other people see something as weird, some others might think it's amazing.
Everyone has a different talent, everyone is unique, so, be yourself, after all like Dr. Seuss says "Today you are you, and that's truer than true, there's no one alive who's more youer than you!"
You, are, one of a kind, end of story.
Be yourself, there's only one of you.:)

Keep Smiling,
Nana :)

Saturday, September 01, 2012

This really happened...

Nana: *Obsessing over a tiny dog bone*
Nilly: *looking at Nana* "Dude! If you plant a dog bone, you'll get a dog!!"

I, Nana, got called weird three times last week, Nilly, one.
I win.:)
I like to call it "One of a kind"

Enjoy your weekend!!:)

Random Pictures...

Random pictures...Why? Cause, I, Nana, wanted to do something....Different...Something, off of Facebook, doing something, random, something, out of the blue...

This is my favorite water bottle bangle I made...Okay, kinda boring...

There, is this better for RANDOM?
My favorite bangle, with my jar of push pins, and a Squinkie on top..Yes, I collect Squinkies...:)
Here, now, we have something I little different.
Here we have the push pin jar on the bottom, with the bangle on top, and all my Squinkies on top....The frog can see you...His name is Zilbo.:)
Now here, is something even more different,
now the bangles on the bottom again, and the jar is on top, and the Squinkies are on Coke bottle caps surrounding the bangle...And yes, I collect bottle caps as well.:)

This bottle cap is my favorite, it was a blank white bottle cap, so I Sharpied it.
And this is the last random picture of the day. *tear* ;)
The remains of the water bottles after they have been made into bangles, the bottom and the top, this is simple to make, just put the top into the bottom, it may take some cutting so it can fit, and then duct tape it! These "things" are fun to throw around!!:)
Well, so long everyone.
I hope you enjoyed these random photos.
Keep Smiling,
Nana :)

Saturday's Solution

do you find your home smelling of garlic? (which overall isn't bad but it does get sickening...) Or maybe you just have that pesky odor that refuses to leave your nose alone. Well, here's a solution to get rid of that smell, and sweeten it. It's good for your nose! :)

1TBS vanilla extract
6oz. of water

Place the ingredients in a container that can be placed in the oven. Place the container in the oven on 350 degrees for about 15 minutes. Voila! A lovely smelling house!