Friday, September 14, 2012

A Quick Rant

//Dissapointed in the internet for the types of advertisements on the sidebars etc...// Confused with my filter settings on my computer// Frustrated with the smell of vegtable oil from baking unable to get to leave my hands// Bored yet thoroughly entertained// My latest struggle with technology is leading me to the possibility of a technology break... a week maybe?// I've taken pictures of beautiful and wonderful things only to have them turn out blurry.// in the middle of a letter to a friend my computer program crashed causing me to restart my letter// Technology, is it good? Does it save time? Or does it make our lives such a rat race, so frustrated, almost angry, lead us to temptation, and break our spirits?// Used in moderation can be used for good..// Can be used for evil// Can be used for good// Which outweighs which?!// An idea pops into my mind...// what if we all put a paper with the words "pray" attached to the top of our screen to remind us to ask God to bless our time on technology and shield us from the evil// ~Nilly

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