Sunday, September 09, 2012

A Little Behind on Laundry...

Yesterday I played soccer...With mismatching soccer socks...I'm a little behind on laundry.
As I was thinking about it, it reminded me about how often we read the Bible, now, reading the Bible, you don't have to do it, but like laundry, you're lacking without it.
Now, reading the Bible won't give you fresh clothes, but it will give you a fresh attitude.
And all of your laundry should be done, like how all of the Bible should be read, I'm not shoving down your throat "READ THE WHOLE BIBLE!!!!!" Cause, I haven't done it myself, I'm just trying to say that you can't take parts out, if you don't believe in one part you can't believe in the rest.
I started reading the Bible just by opening it, and reading a chapter, it's as simple as that! And, this may be a shock, but...*whispers* Reading the Bible is easier than doing laundry.  A little bit of a shock huh?
Well, maybe not, but reading the Bible is easier than doing laundry! And all you need is a little bit of time for God. That's it! Reading the Bible is easier than it looks! And there are a lot of subjects in the Bible, surely you can find something you like!

The mismatching sock-er player,
~Nana :)

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